Wednesday, May 23, 2007

More Barna - what

Gleanings from Barna's latest book:-
In chapter two he lays out what his research has found to be the conditions for success. He works from a model of a coach and offers 5 tips from his research.

  • The depth of the relationship forged with your child will determine your impact.
  • Parents needed to completely embrace the outcomes they desire in their child.
  • Impact happens "in the moment."
  • Great coaches communicate well.
  • Coaches need to have plan to reach the goal.

Summing up I would say that it doesn't just happen but is a parent-led identified process going somewhere !

A reminder - you can find two copies of this book in the Adulyt Library at FAC.


Anonymous said...

Hey brother, what is the name of that new Barna book? Sounds interesting. Much thanks!

Dave said...

Thanks for dropping by Zane
- the answer to your question is
Revolutionary Parenting

He says he was reluctant to publish another parenting book because there are already so many, but decided to do so because there are hardly any based on widespread research. He found "youth" and "young adult" "spiritual champions and researched how they got to be like that. Makes a lot of sense to me.

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