Thursday, November 01, 2007

Do you know what you're kids are watching ?

I believe a child gets most of their discernment directly from God and their parents. Young eyes and hearts are vulnerable until they learn discernment. From an early age we have told Clayton that there are people that want to bad things to you and that there are bad things that you shouldn't see on TV.
Opportunities do come up from time to time to address this. You should be on the look out for one coming to a theatre near you December 7. The movie Golden Compass is based on a trilogy that the author is hoping will land under some Christmas trees this year. He's reckoning on kids getting hyped by the movie to bug their parents into buying the books as Christmas presents.
The heroes goal in the trilogy is too kill "God." Apparently it is a kind of anti-Narnia series.

If I find more info I'll edit this blog

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