Friday, April 20, 2007

Barna Speaks

For those who don't know who George Barna is - He has dedicated his life for the last couple of decades of researching faith-development and its contributions and detractors. He's been issuing wake up calls for the last few years to the church in particular to parents of kids and youth as well as church leaders.
He's just hesitatingly published another book to add to all those out there already. he feels it's necessary because there none that address the whole picture.
He distinguishes three different models of parenting. The first is "parenting by default" - just letting society and culture dictate how we raise our children. The second is "experimental parenting" - where we raise children on a trial and error basis - learning on the go.
The third approach he suggests is one of "Revolutionary Parenting." where God's Word provides the basis for how we raise our children.
His book is big challenge to me and I'm going to share some of my reflections as a parent and children's pastor as I process and learn from his book.
If you'd like to sample his book you can find the first chapter here. as a pdf file.

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