Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Taking it Home grades 3-4

Last Sunday I had the privilege of meeting with the parents of our grade 3s and 4s. (Teacher) Tessie shared with the parents some of the things the kids have been learning recently.

We talked about turning ORANGE ! orange is made by putting red and yellow together. We shared that yellow represents the light of the body of Christ as meet together as church, and red represents the warmth of home. Together we can do more than if work separately.
Parents were reminded that we're on their team - so to use us, to dial us in to their children's lives.

The parents with Tessie went onto plan a picnic for their group. Should be fun! I'm looking forward to joining up with them.
We told a story that highlighted using the Bible well - "George and the Umbrella" - reinforcing with a craft and of course we gave a resource. gave the kids a brand new Hermie Bible

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