Friday, August 31, 2007

Soccer league ends on a high

What a great night to crown the summer of soccer. We had a Bell rep come and present a $25,000 check to Youth Unlimited, 1/5 of which helped FAC and Youth Unlimited put on this low cost soccer league. It allowed us to make our field into a playable state, next year hopefulyl it will be in even better shape.
We also had a visit from two former Olympians who encouraged the kids to hold onto their dreams and not give up even if people told they would never make it.
The two final games the 3rd/4th place final went to a nail-biting shoot out. The final was pretty close until the last minute when the purple team scored their fourth goal to put them 4-2 up.
Medals and trophies were awarded and all the kids went home happy with a ball framed certificate and a soccer ball.

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