Friday, November 02, 2007

Meet the KIDSZONE partner in Ministry - Tessie

Every now and again I want to introduce to you our KIDSZONE partners in ministry. Today it's Tessie Reandino. She's a servant of the Lord who loves the children and will often go the extra mile to serve them and their parents. Meet Tessie :-

How long have you attended FAC? What brought you to FAC?
Since Oct. 2006 when I first arrived from the Philippines. It was the classmate of John who worships in FAC that introduced us to this church.

Tell us a little about the ministries you're involved in Feature on you and how that experience has impacted you.
Sunday School ministry gives me the opportunity to stay in discipline with God’s word. I always believe that as I study the God’s word, I need to transfer what God has taught me to other people be it children or adults. This has impacted my spiritual growth and also it is also a good channel of getting to know the parents’ needs.

Where can you be found on Sunday mornings?
In church.

When did you start following Christ and what have been some of the spiritual turning points in your life?
I accepted the Lord sometime 1981 thru a Conservative Baptist Church in the Phil. The highlight of my spiritual journey was when I had the privilege of teaching bible study in a group of Filipino women in Casablanca. I have experienced the power of the Holy Spirit guiding my tongue and maneuvering my lesson plan to cater to the needs of the women. I’m amazed myself by the new lessons brought out by the Holy Spirit using my tongue. My spirit is full and I’m so light hearted even though the journey back to my home in Rabat takes an hour by train. It was in Africa that I grew spiritually the most because I had no pastor, nor radio TV stations to feed me but only God’s word thru the concordance.
Secondly, I also experienced the strong leading of the Holy Spirit when He actually guided me to spray the perfume which caused my 1 ½ yr. old son to sneeze out a peanut that was stuck inside his nostril. I will live to tell anyone this story of His grace and mercy shown to me and my family. He is alive thus the scripture is true “my sheep hears my voice”.
Tell us a little about your background (where you are from, education, your family, etc)
Born, raised and educated in the Philippines in a very conservative Chinese family. Since my parents were very frugal immigrants from China, I have learned the value of money and hard work. It was only when I became a Christian that the value of eternal life is the most important insurance in one’s life.
I was the only Christian in the family. However, two months after my mother died, God has confirmed to me that my mother is safe in heaven. Psl 116:15 “Precious in of the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints” God has used my friend and a pastor to share the good news to her. Another friend also told me that my mother saw a wonderful place and she says wait I need to say good-bye to many people. I believer she saw heaven and had to wait for me to come back home from HKG.

What is your favorite Scripture passage?

Because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Phil 1:5-6

What are your favorite books?

Christian books especially written by Joyce Meyer – Battle of the Mind

What are your favorite movies?

Any movie that is non violent like the Sound of Music (hahaha), The Passion;

What is your favorite fast food?

Pizza, noodles, fresh spring rolls

What is something that most people at FAC would not know about you?

I had a very successful hotel career some 20 years ago organizing conferences, exhibits, wedding receptions. I rubbed shoulders with the rich and the famous while at work. Personally met entertainers like Sammy Davis Jr., Liza Minelli, Julio Iglesia, George Hamilton, etc. God has given me a fulfilled single life. As the bible says everything shall pass away except God’s word, people I have met either have aged, lost their power and influence or have passed away.
Tell us a little about your day job. What is your dream job? Currently, I’m doing part-time job in a manufacturing company. It is a humbling experience to gain Canadian experience. Who am I to complain having a lowly job in Toronto when He being the son of God came on earth as a human being to carry our sins. This is my pruning stage and waiting for my dream job as Admin Exec. Has been very hard. Just like the handicap man, every time he wants to get into the pool someone always is ahead of him.

Who is your hero? (besides Jesus or any other member of the Trinity)

The unsung heroes – those who are willing to do a second mile such as volunteers, parents who raise up Godly kids for the next generation.

What do you do in your free time?

Family outing in the beach, or sightseeing new places. Attending out of town seminars with inspiring speakers.

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