Thursday, February 21, 2008

Summer is coming soon !

I know summer is not far away when we start receiving brochures from camps for their summer programs. It is that time again.
I totally believe in summer camp ministry. I've known so many people that have responded to God at camp - whether it's being in a more nature-ful setting or just being out of the nromal setting, God seems to speak very clearly at camp (and maybe we're more ready to hear:) )
Although there are many good camps throughout Ontario, here at First Alliance we have a great relationship with Camp Miniyowe. Many of our kids over many years have spent some of their summers at Miniyowe and then gone on to be on summer staff.

Personally - my favourite camp is back in Quebec - near Magog, near Sherbrooke. Camp Livingstone. I have some very fond memories of times spent there and its also the place I first met my wonderful amazing wife - Dawn, she grew up there too. If you don't mind the trip it'd probably work out chepaer than going to camp here in Ontario !

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