Thursday, November 29, 2007

False Esteem

Craig Groeschel has some amazing spiritual insights. His insight on "Self-esteem" is no exception. The world tries to improve our children's self esteem with programs. And without God in the picture it seems to be a logical thing to do. But it seems pretty empty when God is. Are we as parents taking care foster our own Spiritual-Esteem so our children will catch it because of Him in us. Here's Craig's latest offering on Self-Spiritual esteem (and links to his previous insights -well worth checking out).

False-Esteem: I do good things, therefore God accepts me.
Spiritual-Esteem: I’m accepted because of what Jesus did for me, therefore I do good things.

False-Esteem: I try hard, so God loves me.
Spiritual-Esteem: God loves me radically, so I try hard.

False-Esteem: I produce, therefore God is pleased.
Spiritual-Esteem: God is pleased with me in Christ, therefore He produces through me.

False-Esteem: Self is the center.
Spiritual-Esteem: God is the center.

Spiritual-Esteem 1 (of 4)
Spiritual-Esteem 2 (of 4)
Spiritual-Esteem 3 (of 4)
Spiritual Esteem 4 (of 4)

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