Friday, November 30, 2007

Virtual Worlds for kids taking off

It's something I've noticed in Clayton(my 8 yr old champ) recently. He's much more into online stuff. It's gone from the Kinder eggs -secret code for a game online, now it's a community where he designs his character and walks around a virtual world doing things like "say Hi!" "pat someone on the back!" "Hug someone !" "Challenge someone to a game !"
The computer is in our living room and I regularly look over his shoulder. We don't let him chat with anyone online.
I am wondering if this desire for virtual world and community is related to how my son sees himself and even his Spiritual-esteem.
As I wonder I'm asking myself how can I help him more to know who he is in Christ ? And if he catches his faith from his parents - how can I reflect who I am in Christ better ?

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